November 15th, 2017 ×
How to get into Speaking At Conferences

Wes Bos Host

Scott Tolinski Host
Wes talks to Scott about speaking at conferences. What are the benefits of speaking? How do you apply? What talk should you give? What makes a good conference talk?
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The Show Notes
- Snow Tires are supes important
- Blizzzzaaaaakkksss!!!
- Free travel / accommodations / vacation
- Fantastic Friendships and Industry Connections
- Job Opportunities
- Industry Recognition
- Renewed Excitement
- Wes loved David K Piano's Flip Talk
How do you Apply / Where to Find Conferences
- Create a CFP
- You need to brute force it
- 🍯 Honey Hole: Lanyrd Calls
- 🐝 Honey Hole: The Weekly CFP
- 🍯 Honey Hole:
- Meetup
Types of Talks you could give
- Lessons Learned Talk
- The New Concept Talk (the tasty treats talk)
- My Approach to XYZ
- The Complicated Concepts Explained
- The Super Interesting Deep End Talk
What makes a good talk?
- Skip the history lesson - hook them
- Keep your personal bio short
- Start with a banger ‼️
- Short Code Examples
- Short Looping video examples
- Scott's Origin Story Podcast
- Make sure your talk works offline
- Prepare for aspect ratios
- Plug into the projector before your talk
- Live that dongle life
- Show people why they need to know something
Slide Deck Software
- Powerpoint or Keynote
- Wes' HTML5 Slide Deck
- Another one of Wes' talks
- Reveal JS
- React Spectacle
- Prezi
Conference Training
- Training pays well
- More hands on experience for conf attendees
Getting the Most out of a tech conference
- Wes' Post on Getting the most out of a conference
- Conf Code of Conduct
- Logitech Wireless Clicker
- Join Twitter Early
- Have Lunch with Speakers
- Stay off your phone
- Keep your name badge on!
- Practice your break away
Sick Picks
Tweet us your tasty treats!
- Wes Bos
- Scott Tolinski
- Make sure to include @SyntaxFM