December 25th, 2019 ×
2019 YEAR END Definitely Not a Clip Show

Wes Bos Host

Scott Tolinski Host
In this episode of Syntax, Scott and Wes do a 2019 year in review — the most popular Syntax episodes, what they learned, some personal updates, plans for next year, and more!
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Show Notes
1:40 - Plans for 2020
- Syntax Live March 2019
- Plans for 2020
- Twitter has done really well for @syntaxfm
- Community feels great
9:20 - Top 10 Syntax episodes of 2019
- Syntax162: The Fundamentals - JS
- Syntax120: Gatsby vs Next
- Syntax158: The Fundamentals - HTML + CSS
- Syntax126: Bootcamps vs School vs Self-Learning
- Syntax138: What's New in Web Development
- Syntax130: The VueJS Show (Scott teaches Wes)
- Syntax146: CSS the Cool Parts
- Syntax174: How to Build an API
- Syntax154: SVGs with Sara Soueidan
- Syntax106: A Look Forward to 2019
25:17 - Personal Stuff
- Brooklyn Tolinksi
- 2019 was really tough for me
- Level Up courses for 12 months
- Huge changes to my production values and office
- Huge changes to LUT codebase (React hooks, Typescript, Next.js, Mongoose)
- New Baby in June / 3 months Paternity Leave
- Bought a cottage
- Hardest course to make was Beginner JS — it was a slog, hard to stay motivated at times, with 80 hours of recording alone
- Course Platform re-write (Next.js)
39:17 - Stuff we learned
- Better speaker
- Lots of TypeScript
- Better debugging
- Hooks
- Svelte
- General improvement in JS writing and programming skills
- Really good at Vanilla.js DOM API
- React Hooks
- Suspense
- Audio Visualization
- Shape Detection API - Faces, Barcodes, Text
- Headless CMS: Prismic, Sanity, WordPress GraphQL, Keystone.js, Hasura
- Very good understanding of the nitty gritty of JS (closures, objects, this, new keyword, classes, etc.)
- Reactathon
- freeCodeCamp Podcast
- CSS Houdini
- Syntax109: Hasty Treat - CSS Grid Level 2 aka Subgrid
- Syntax092: React Hooks
- Dev Mugs
- TypeScript
- Svelte
- Prismic
- Sanity
- WPGraphQL
- Keystone.js
- Hasura
- Scott: The Dream Podcast
- Wes: Synology DiskStation DS918+
Shameless Plugs
- Scott: React & TypeScript For Everyone - Sign up for the year and save 25%!
- Wes: Beginner Javascript - Use the coupon code 'Syntax' for $10 off!
Tweet us your tasty treats!
- Scott's Instagram
- LevelUpTutorials Instagram
- Wes' Instagram
- Wes' Twitter
- Wes' Facebook
- Scott's Twitter
- Make sure to include @SyntaxFM in your tweets