March 6th, 2024 × #local-first#offline#pwa
The LoFi Movement: Building Local First Apps
This episode covers the concept of local first web development, where apps work offline first and then sync data in the background. The ideals, principles, tools, and sample projects around this concept are explored.

Wes Bos Host

Scott Tolinski Host
Join Wes and Scott as they explore LoFi (local first) web development, delving into CRDT, Websockets, IndexedDB, SQLite, and more. Discover when Local-First shines and when it's better to steer clear in this episode packed with practical insights.
Show Notes
- 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
- 03:18 Brought to you by
- 04:08 What is LoFi?
- 05:02 The Seven Ideals for Local-first.
- 05:29 1: No Spinners.
- 06:48 2: Your work is not trapped on one device.
- 07:56 3: The network is optional.
- 08:50 4: Seamless collaboration with your colleagues.
- 09:35 Oops, we for got to read 5: The Long Now.
- 09:37 6: Security and privacy by default.
- 09:45 7: You retain ultimate ownership and control.
- Actual Budget Finance App
- Ink & Switch
- 13:01 Sounds great, let's go! Not so fast, this stuff is hard.
- 14:07 The technology involved.
- 14:30 CRDT (Conflict-free Replicated Data Types).
- Wikipedia Definition
- James Long dotJS 2019 dotconfrences
- 17:48 How does it prioritize conflict resolutions?
- 19:36 Websockets.
- 20:17 IndexedDB + SQLite.
- 21:23 Service Workers.
- 22:16 The software involved.
- 25:51 The most basic LoFi application.
- 31:26 Some bigger concepts.
- 32:34 Answering some common questions.
- 35:19 Some real-world examples of LoFi.
- Habit Path by Scott Tolinski
- 37:18 What about Apple PWA nonsense?
- 38:20 This seems similar to real-time software and multiplayer.
- 38:47 Sounds like too much work.
- Triplit Fullstack Database
- Electric SQL
- Evolu
- 40:46 Some useful links.
- 43:30 Sick Picks + Shameless Plugs.
Sick Picks
Scott: Monarch Money
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