Hasty Treat - Getting Buy-in for a Tool Like Prettier From Your Team
Advice on convincing a development team to adopt code formatting tools like Prettier

Advice on convincing a development team to adopt code formatting tools like Prettier
Scott and Wes answer audience questions on various web development topics in a podcast potluck episode.
In this episode Wes and Scott discuss 5 more performance tips to make your web applications faster, including bundling JavaScript code, enabling gzip compression, loading scripts asynchronously, and adding database indexes.
How to prepare your website and web development skills for emergency UI updates such as notices and banners
Covers 5 things that can slow down your website and how to speed it up: time to first byte, too many requests, large assets, lazy loading, and content delivery networks.
Tips for working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic, including setting up your workspace, maintaining focus and routine, balancing family responsibilities, and taking care of your mental health.
Wes and Scott discuss abstraction in programming - what it is, when to use it, benefits like reusability and testing, guidelines, examples of good abstraction, and differences between personal and public code.
Podcast discussing mental health issues for developers including depression, anxiety, focus, motivation and stress with tips on addressing them.
How to create strong passwords, use password managers effectively, enable two-factor authentication, and more.
Scott and Wes answer listener questions about a variety of web development topics in this potluck episode.