December 12th, 2018 ×
Not a Clip Show - Episode 100!

Wes Bos Host

Scott Tolinski Host
To celebrate episode 100, Wes and Scott are talking about Syntax - their most popular episodes, stats, Q&A, and a bunch of cool stuff about what it's been like making this show for 100 episodes.
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Freshbooks - Sponsor
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Show Notes
1:45 - Celebrating 100 episodes
04:18 - Our first episode
06:23 - Our first sponsor
09:37 - Most popular episodes
- 10 - Syntax074 - 11 Habits of Highly Effective Developers
- 09 - Syntax039 - Is jQuery Dead?
- 08 - Syntax046 - What's New in Javascript
- 07 - Syntax048 - VS Code Round Two
- 06 - Syntax050 - Progressive Web Apps
- 05 - Syntax018 - All About CSS Grid
- 04 - Syntax051 - Our Workflows: Design, Development, Git, Deployment
- 03 - Syntax066 - The React Episode
- 02 - Syntax043 - 20 JavaScript Array and Object Methods to make you a better developer
- 01 - Syntax044 - How to Learn New Things Quickly
21:35 - Top countries
- Just passed 3 million downloads
- 10 - Poland - 38,731 downloads
- 09 - Brazil - 40,475 downloads
- 08 - Netherlands - 47,601 downloads
- 07 - India - 50,724 downloads
- 06 - Sweden - 55,378 downloads
- 05 - Australia - 80,654 downloads
- 04 - Germany - 109,842 downloads
- 03 - Canada - 138,250 downloads
- 02 - United Kingdom - 231,835 downloads
- 01 - United States - 1,220,519 downloads
27:34 - Top players
- AppleCoreMedia
- Overcast
- Chrome
- Pocket Casts
- iTunes
30:35 - Lessons learned about sponsors
- Pays the bills - editing, hosting, etc…
- Podcast Royale - Podcast production
- Libsyn - Podcast hosting
- They want hard numbers
- Conversions are hard to track
- It’s really cool companies and users that enjoy the product hook up
- How do we get them?
35:10 - Favorite episodes
- Wes - Syntax043 - 20 JavaScript Array and Object Methods to make you a better developer
- Scott - Syntax044 - How to Learn New Things Quickly
38:49 - Q&A
- Q: What's your favorite soundboard sound?
- Q: What's your recording process like? Do you each record your streams locally then edit them together or are there any "hax" you guys have cooked up as developers?
- A: Pay someone who is good at editing
- We both have good recording gear
- We record separate files and send them our production team, Podcast Royale, for editing
- We do show notes in Dropbox Paper, which are also edited by Podcast Royale
- Q: Does Scott practice his segues, or do they just come to him on the fly?
- A: On the fly 😎
- Q: Although I am all for peace, why did you choose "peace" as your outro statement?
- A: It was a random note from Wes in the first episode and we stuck with it
- Q: how did you meet each other and decided to start the podcast?
- A: We both released a course around the same time with the same name - we started talking and the rest is history
- Syntax007 - Scott Tolinski Origin Story
- Syntax008 - Wes Bos Origin Story
51:20 - Most asked questions
- What episode was it that you ______ ?
- Can my boss come on the show and talk about bitcoin?
- Can you sick pick my thing?
- Can you do an episode on VueJS?
- Can you do an episode on Angular?
54:20 - Random thoughts
- Neat to have community - lots of experts
- Twitter is great
- Sales of our own products
- Transformed Level Up Tuts
- Doing fitness, hobbies, and life as a developer is fun
- Learned a lot from researching shows and from community feedback
- Different voices can give different breakthroughs
57:10 - Future of Syntax
- No. 1 goal is to always be a fun, helpful show
- Not going to become a promotional tour stop
- Maybe more interviews
- Easy to listen to and and understand
- Wes: MongoDB Compass
- Scott: Notion
Shameless Plugs
Tweet us your tasty treats!
- Scott's Instagram
- LevelUpTutorials Instagram
- Wes' Instagram
- Wes' Twitter
- Wes' Facebook
- Scott's Twitter
- Make sure to include @SyntaxFM in your tweets