December 24th, 2018 ×
Hasty Treat - Where are they now? Part 2

Wes Bos Host

Scott Tolinski Host
In this Hasty Treat, Scott and Wes continue their discussion of libraries and tech that where super hot in the past, but not so much any more. - Sponsor is a real-time headless CMS with a fully customizable Content Studio built in React. Get up and running by typing npm i -g @sanity/cli && sanity init
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Show Notes
3:40 - jQuery UI / jQuery Mobile
6:10 - Flash / Silverlight
10:54 - Grid systems
16:02 - CoffeScript
18:18 - Underscore.js
20:04 - Less CSS
Tweet us your tasty treats!
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- Scott's Twitter
- Make sure to include @SyntaxFM in your tweets