December 7th, 2020 × #react#hooks#javascript
Hasty Treat - Why should I use React Hooks?
Wes and Scott discuss why they prefer React hooks over class components - hooks allow decoupling state from components, reduce duplication, improve ref handling and more.

Wes Bos Host

Scott Tolinski Host
In this Hasty Treat, Scott and Wes talk about React Hooks and why you might want to use them instead of class components.
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Show Notes
03:54 - Decouple the UI from the logic
- This wasn't impossible with class-based components, but we started using HOC to do this.
- With hooks, it makes you decouple what it does and how it looks.
- Makes things like GraphQL code gen possible
- Multiple pieces of state or functionality
- Share commonly used functionality among projects and components
10:31 - Reduction in code
- Lifecycle methods were often redundant. useEffect offers a way to prevent the duplication that can happen with component did update and did mount. This gives you a way to say, "Hey, run this code when these things change."
13:30 - useEffect's dependencies
- These give you access to targeted control over side effects rather than just something changed.
14:15 - Easier to grok
- What happens? When? Where? It's mostly in the hook.
16:09 - Simplicity in usage
- Thing, updateThing is more targeted than set state
- Ref makes way more sense with useRef
- String refs weren't great, the function ref thing was obnoxious
21:07 - Gripes about Hooks
- Naming is kind of odd
- Vue did a better job with the names
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