July 5th, 2021 × #javascript#performance#asynchronous
Hasty Treat - JavaScript Event Buzzwords — Sync, Concurrent, Defer, Blocking, Workers
Discussion of JavaScript timing buzzwords like synchronous, asynchronous, blocking, callbacks, and lazy loading.

Wes Bos Host

Scott Tolinski Host
In this Hasty Treat, Scott and Wes define some JavaScript Buzzwords and talk about what they mean!
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Show Notes
03:24 - Synchronous / Async
05:23 - Multi-threaded
- JavaScript has a single "main thread"
- But you can have more threads with web workers
08:12 - Blocking
- JavaScript can stop other things on the page from running
- A script tag can block HTML from being parsed
- Most stuff in JavaScript is non-blocking
- Node.js write to filesystem can be blocking
10:27 - Concurrent + Parallel
- JavaScript start/stop are concurrent
- The API runs on a different thread
- Doesn't REALLY matter
- https://joearms.github.io/published/2013-04-05-concurrent-and-parallel-programming.html
13:22 - Consecutive / Waterfall
- One after another
13:48 - Callback
- A function to run when this thing happens or is done
- Click event callback
- Websocket on data callback
- Like a tweet stream
- Data fetch callback
- Almost entirely replaced with async + await
- http://callbackhell.com/
- https://caolan.github.io/async/v3/
17:56 - Script Tag Async + Defer
- Doesn't block other content
- Runs when ready - doesn't care about DOMcontentLoaded
- Wait until the page is loaded before running
- If the script tag is above content, don't wait for it
- Good for things that aren't called on page load
21:54 - Lazy
- Load it in later - maybe when it's scrolled into view, or as needed
- Not mission-critical
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