July 26th, 2021 × #favicons#webdev#frontend
Hasty Treat - The Surprisingly Exciting World of Favicons
This episode covers different techniques and best practices for favicons, including file formats, sizes, optimization, animation, dark mode support, and more.

Wes Bos Host

Scott Tolinski Host
- Browser requests /favicon.ico by default
- Changing PNG to ICO works for favicon
- Upload square image to favicon generator site
- Provide multiple sizes and reduce detail for small icons
- .ico is the default favicon file format
- Changing PNG to ICO works for favicon
- Safari now supports SVG favicons
- 130x130px is too small for retina displays
- Can animate favicon with GIF or canvas
- Gmail likely generates favicon numbers on the fly
- Favicon cache issues are improved now
- Can force favicon update by deleting and resetting link tag
- iOS now supports theme color meta tag
- Use CSS in SVG favicon for dark mode
- No way to target favicon by OS dark mode
- Can generate emoji favicons on fav.farm
- Animated favicon with canvas on uses.tech
- Don't use default host favicon, looks amateur
Monday. Monday. Monday.
Open wide dev fans. Get ready to stuff your face with JavaScript, CSS, node modules, barbecue tips, get workflows, breakdancing, soft skill, web development, the hastiest, the craziest, the tastiest TS, web development treats coming in hot. Here is Wes, Barracuda, Boss, and Scott, El Toro Loco, Tolinski.
Scott Tolinski
CSM. Welcome to syntax. In this Monday hasty treat, we're gonna be talking about The surprisingly exciting world of favicons or fave icons, whatever you'd like to pronounce it as. These are the little that little tiny little icon that's up In in the tab of your web browser, it allows you to distinguish what sites you're using when you're not focused on that. Perhaps you have tons of tabs, and all you could see are the favicons.
Scott Tolinski
Either way, we have some really interesting little things to talk about here. The FeffiCon is a bit of a I don't wanna say it's a that people don't really spend any time talking about. So I think it's a really interesting topic. My name is Scott Kalinski. I'm a developer from Denver, Colorado, and with me as always is Wes, Favicon master boss.
Wes Bos
For once, we're on the same page of how to pronounce something. People that say fave icons. Oh, yeah. Yeah. You can they can get out of here.
Wes Bos
Famicon is where I'm at. Yeah. Famicon is where I'm at as well. It's like a Fava bean. That's where it comes from, actually. It was initially a little bean. Fava Fava Con. It was a Java based, website, And they put a Fava bean up in the top.
Scott Tolinski
Oh, you're not riffing. I thought you're making a joke on this. You're No. No. That's that's actually Is that truthful? No. No. That's where it came from. Look it up on Wikipedia. I thought you were pulling my leg there. I was I was, like, blowing you off because I thought you were joking. No. Look up look up Favicon,
Wes Bos
Favicon on Wikipedia.
Wes Bos
Wes Bos
Jared Smith was The creator of the fava bean favicon when he introduced the 1st website with the fava bean icon.
Wes Bos
He was a architect at Sun Microsystems Java.
Scott Tolinski
This sounds all like it sounds very interesting. I had no idea.
Scott Tolinski
The excitingly surprising surprisingly exciting world of favicons is sponsored today by Sanity and LogRocket.
Scott Tolinski
Now LogRocket is the perfect place for you to see all of your errors and exceptions happen.
Scott Tolinski
Were you trying to do some fancy JavaScript that Inserted a favicon and it broke your site? Well, you can find that out.
Scott Tolinski
Maybe you have a user initiated favicon change, and that code broke your site. So now you get to see how the user did it. They click this button, and then you get an error in your console. Well, that's a total mystery unless you're using LogRocket, which allows you to See a scrubbable video replay of the error happening along with any of the stuff that you would want from the browser, like the console log, the error, the network tab. Anything you could possibly imagine is there with LogRocket. So check it out at logrocket.comforward/syntax.
Scott Tolinski
Sign up and get 14 days for free. There's an on premise or self hosted version, so give it a try.
Wes Bos
Also sponsored by Sanity at sanity.io.
Wes Bos
They updated their tagline on their website. Now it says the unified content platform. Why? Because you stick. We call it a CMS, but they're more than that. They are a platform that you can stick all of your data, all of your data structures, all of your images, all of your Collaborations, your real time, all of that stuff for building a website goes into Sanity, and it's an awesome platform to build on top of Regardless of whatever framework you're using, so check it out, sanity.ioforward/syntax for the next website or app that you build, And that's gonna get you double the free usage here. Thank you, Sanity, for sponsoring.
Wes Bos
Alright. Let's get into the surprisingly exciting world about Favicons, by the way, all that information about fava bean was a totally joke.
What? Like, I
Scott Tolinski
Oh my god.
Wes Bos
It's, like, almost believable
Scott Tolinski
with the, like, Java and Fava. I didn't believe you at first. I should've trusted my gut. Very convincing.
Wes Bos
Anyways, we're gonna go into all the information about the FAB icon, from top to bottom. It seems so simple. It's a little icon you put in your f. The tab of your URL bar, but they are multifaceted. So very default, when you visit a web page that does not have any favicon Set. The browser will try to request forward slash favicon.ic0 f. Simply by just having the file in the root of your web server that is an ICO file, it will attempt to download that and serve it up. And that's why when you visit a page that is just, like, index.html.
Browser requests /favicon.ico by default
Wes Bos
You often see a 404 error in your console, and the reason is because You don't have a have icon yet, and you don't have any, tags set yet to to specify otherwise.
Wes Bos
And and that's the case, It will try to download the the original path, and it will error out saying there's a 404.
Scott Tolinski
No. No. No. I learned something in the very first sentence of this episode, So, it's wild.
Changing PNG to ICO works for favicon
Wes Bos
Yeah. So if you do want to set a custom fab icon, there is A bevy of URLs that you can set, and they are all done via or most of them are done via the link tag, Which I think we have an episode on link tag coming up entirely. And you basically say link rel equals, and there's a couple different types of rels you can put in there. There is icon. That's the standard one that you put out there, and then you say h ref equals you link it up to your actual PNG or SVG or a JPEG of your your icon. We'll talk about formats in just 2nd, additionally, you can supply different sizes. We'll talk about that in a second as well. And then I didn't even know this. You can link up to a manifest dot JSON file. Have you ever used a manifest at JSON?
Scott Tolinski
Oh, yes. In fact, I actually just, I submitted an issue on the Vit Vit, Discord because Vit has their own manifest file that gets generated for the chunks that it creates, And it was overriding my my actual manifest file. So I had to put it in another folder deep because it was basically It was creating that in your, like, static file. So it was like, oh, is there a man we'll just create a manifest. And it would kept overriding my my actual manifest. I started using the manifest file strictly because of, to get get, like, a nicer web icons and stuff that are are tangentially related to the favicon here. We'll we'll talk a little bit about this. But I started using that because when you pass this has been something that like, I do for a long time because there's so many images here.
Upload square image to favicon generator site
Scott Tolinski
To create a favicon, I just created a square image, and then I upload it to one of those favicon generator websites that I just Google to find each time. Yeah. It usually spits out all of your images, and the better ones spit out a manifest file as well. So that was actually my introduction to the manifest file,
Wes Bos
seeing it spit out from there. I'm just looking at the MDN docs from NFS JSON, and this is the file for doing a progressive web app. So I have used it many times. I've I've also used this for a Chrome extension Yeah. Which is kind of like a a PWA, but I didn't realize that you could set simply just fab icons. And I like that a lot better than having to have a 100 different link tags in the in the header because, like, if you're doing this properly, you'll have I don't I don't know if you necessarily need all of these sizes. May maybe we could talk about sizes right now, but you used to just have to do, like, 16 by 16, and then we got 32 by 32 when monitor resolution got better, and then apps on your iPhone started using those. Or you could give an Apple touch icon, f. Which is if you bookmark a URL on your home page, it will attempt to use the Apple Touch icon for that, which is a really nice little hack is If you ever are designing an app icon and you wanna preview it on a phone, it's a little trick you can use to to put it in. And you can still you can provide all kinds of different sizes. And the benefit to that is if you are supplying a very, very small size, Often, you wanna take some detail out or take some of the bolding out because these really big icons don't just scale down really nicely,
Scott Tolinski
And designers often like to produce multiple versions of them depending on what size is being used. Yeah. You have to consider that these things are Raster based. And when you start dealing with any type of color, I mean, you're dealing with gradients or whatever, there's going to be some Compression there because you can only fit let's say you have a a 57 by 57 pixel photo. You can only fit, 57 times 57 pixels in that photo. And so if you have a lot of detail, you can imagine you're shrinking something that has a 1000 by a 1000.
Provide multiple sizes and reduce detail for small icons
Scott Tolinski
That detail's gotta go somewhere, and Yeah. Typically, it it you don't get to make those choices. So by making your own, you do get to make those choices.
Wes Bos
There's also, a Windows tile version you can do. So it's a MS application tile color and and tile image, and that's for Whatever the Windows or was it called Metro a long time ago before they got sued? I forget. Yeah. I usually just keep those in there because I don't know how many people are bookmarking mine on their Windows desktop, but
Scott Tolinski
their Windows mobile phone. Their their Zune. There's I got, Ten ten visits from Zune this month. So
Wes Bos
And then finally, there is a meta name theme color, and we'll talk about that in just a second. But let's talk about file or file formats.
Wes Bos
The default one is .ico.
.ico is the default favicon file format
Wes Bos
I was surprised to see that Facebook still uses a dot ICO.
Wes Bos
I don't even know how I would export a .ICO file right now because not a lot of the image editing prep,
Scott Tolinski
still use that. Do Do you wanna know a technique that works to get an ICO? How? Here's a technique that works. I don't know how legit this is, so do not Do not attribute this to me if you're posting this tomorrow. Here's how you make an ICO for a favicon.
Changing PNG to ICO works for favicon
Scott Tolinski
You create it as a PNG and you change the extension. And then when the computer says, are you Sure you want to change this extension, you say? Yeah. Sure. And then it just works. I kid you not. It just works. The same thing works with MOV and MP 4 too since MOV is just like Apple's wrapper around MP 4. Really? Dude, I was having issues on, Adobe Premiere not liking my frame rate.
Scott Tolinski
And so then all I did it it only happened with MOV files from QuickTime. So all you would do is change the file extension to m p 4, and then Vermeer is like, I don't care anymore. It works fine. They're like, oh, come on. That's some like, some engineer somewhere just did not code support the right support for an MOV or something. I have no idea. But, Like, sometimes I I don't think you can typically do that, but sometimes just changing the file format works. I I cannot explain.
Wes Bos
That's impressive. I wonder if it's the the browser just goes, I was expecting you know, like, it, like, downloads it, and it it checks the Content type on the the file, and it's like, you dummy. You sent me the wrong one. Or it Yeah. It might just be simply the the extension on there. That's pretty cool. So you can also use it at PNG. That's probably the most popular one because you can have transparency in that. I believe you can use JPEG as well, although I probably wouldn't recommend it. And then recently, you can start to use SVG favicons.
Safari now supports SVG favicons
Wes Bos
For the longest time, Safari didn't support it, And I believe they do support it right now. I'll let's just double check that on the old CSS tricks here.
Wes Bos
They're link linking off to can I use, and, yes, it is supported on Safari, Which is really, really cool, to see that? So in most cases, if you can, like, if you're doing a raster based or sorry, a vector based icon, Just give it an SVG because then you only have to supply it one size, and all of the other sizes from there on out will just be calculated and a. And scaled up and down. And that that makes this stuff a lot lot easier, and you might not even need one of those generators.
130x130px is too small for retina displays
Wes Bos
What size do you typically make your fav icons if you're doing a PNG version? What? Say that again. What file size? Like, What pixel value if you're doing a raster based favicon?
Scott Tolinski
You know, it's tough for me because I don't make that many of them. And Yeah. Favicon is the level up logo, which is already square. So I really just took the level up logo. I uploaded it to a favicon generator site, and it spat them all out, and they looked fine. So, typically, I just make them these eyes. But if I was, you know, if I was designing 1, like, if I if I was choosing to design 1 from scratch, I would go With an SVG file. So obviously, like a Figma or something, something vector based. But I would make my canvas Probably whatever the highest resolution that the icon could take, whether that was a, Like the Android or iOS icon was, like oh, it's just about 200 pixels by 200, so maybe that's what I would do. I might even just use a template for an app icon that they have in Figma. Yeah. That's a that's a good idea. I'm just looking at my beginner JavaScript
Wes Bos
Favicon here, and it's 130 by 130, which is too small for the largest of the, like, iPad or something like that. So you might see a little bit of pixelation.
Wes Bos
Too small. Too small. So that one probably should should be bumped up.
Can animate favicon with GIF or canvas
Wes Bos
You can also animate, a favicon, which I thought was was really, really cool.
Wes Bos
So you can give it a GIF. Or what a lot of, websites will do is they will generate the favicon on the fly and set it From Canvas. So, like, let's say, example, like Gmail. Your tab will say you have 40 emails, and then you get a new email, and your tab will say you have 41 emails in the favicon.
Wes Bos
So the question is, like, how are they generating that? Well, one, they might just be generating A 100 versions of that 5 icon is shipping them. Can you imagine
Scott Tolinski
there just being a folder of this in icon with
Wes Bos
1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Every single one. I'm actually curious now if that is actually the case.
Wes Bos
Some poor intern has to either write a script or simply
Scott Tolinski
just export it. Let's see here. Yeah. Yeah. I'm actually very curious about that.
Wes Bos
It they definitely have An icon for every single number out there. My gosh.
Gmail likely generates favicon numbers on the fly
Wes Bos
Wes Bos
So whether those are generated on the fly, likely.
Wes Bos
But what you can do is if you go to keycode.info, what I do is every time you touch one of the keys on your key code, I am writing the key code to a canvas, and then you take the canvas and you export that canvas to base 64 URI.
Wes Bos
And then you can set the you can set the actual link tag to be that value, and the browser will automatically update that value.
Wes Bos
And that's how a lot of, websites as well or even something as simple as take the current favicon, draw a little, Like, red circle over top of the file icon to show the user that something has changed. Like, maybe there's a message or something like that Mhmm. And that will Go ahead and show us that. That's a pretty good approach to doing that type of thing. And it used to be that the Famicoms would get cached, Like, until all eternity, you could never clear the cache of the favicon. Do you remember that? Yeah. I remember uploading a new favicon and just being like,
Scott Tolinski
Oh, come on. When is this going to change?
Favicon cache issues are improved now
Wes Bos
I don't know what happened there. I remember there was, like, even a meme of, like, how to clear your favicon cache, and It was like throw your laptop in the sea. And
Scott Tolinski
Here's what you do. You make a really inappropriate one, and then you upload that. And I'm sure it would change right over Yeah. That's how this stuff works. Right? So true.
Wes Bos
Just work, damn it, and then it actually goes over. That was really, really funny.
Wes Bos
I had a a bit of JavaScript in the past that would intentionally delete the link tag and then set it to The new version, and that would force it, but that doesn't seem to have I've now I haven't had that issue in years, which is really nice. You don't have to worry about the favicon cache.
Wes Bos
What's else here? What this is one thing I saw you. I think you you posted a screenshot on Instagram or something like that is iOS now supports the meta name theme color Tag in the head, which will allow you to this is something Android has had forever. Allow you to style the URL bar.
iOS now supports theme color meta tag
Scott Tolinski
So you're trying that out. It works great? Yeah. It works great. I'm on the I'm all the betas. You know me. So I'm on the beta of the Ios, and, I fired up my site, and it looks great. You know, there there are other concerns with Ios but that's certainly not one of them. I'm glad I'm glad that, one, they've they've added some, like, dynamic theme changing, but I'm also glad that they used the same Metatag that Android used because, when I saw that they were gonna do that, I was like, okay. Time to add another new meta tag. But I was happy to see that when I fired up my site. It just it just worked. So, very nice. One thing you can do, and this is a little trick on CSS tricks, is How do
Wes Bos
you make a dark mode favicon? Because there is no, like, media property on link To only apply this, Favicon, when you're in dark mode, but there is a little trick on CSS tricks here, Which, because you can ship an SVG as a favicon Oh, interesting. You can put CSS inside of your SVG, and then you can put a prefers color scheme dark media query inside of that.
Use CSS in SVG favicon for dark mode
Wes Bos
So you would be able to dynamically swap it out. But even then, one issue I have with with dark mode, When I'm using Firefox, I have, like, a dark theme in Firefox, but I often am not using the dark mode of a website.
Wes Bos
So the favicon gets totally lost Mhmm. In the dark mode, especially if it's, like, a transparent Favicon because it's, like, maybe black text over a dark, dark blue tab. So there's no current way even, like, something like GitHub has, like, a black Octocat over top of a very dark blue tab, and I always find that really frustrating because I can't see What the actual favicon is, and I even went as far to start writing in a like in a Chrome extension or a Firefox extension to invert The favicon Mhmm. If it fell within a certain threshold of dark colors,
No way to target favicon by OS dark mode
Scott Tolinski
but it's one of those things that's not annoying enough that I to spend any more time. That sounds like a lot of work. Yeah. You know what? The we were just talking about the theme tag, The meta name theme color actually does have a media prop, though, that you can say media equals prefers color scheme, light or dark, and serve up a different theme based on that. That's just for the theme, obviously, not the favicon. But Oh, I bet that will be extended to favicon soon. Yeah. That'd be neat. That'd be neat to be able to just say, hey. Light mode, dark mode. Here you go. Yeah. Because
Wes Bos
the preferred start colors is a OS level. Right? It's not a browser setting. That's a like, that's in your That's in your operating system, so maybe you could use that then. Yeah.
Can generate emoji favicons on fav.farm
Wes Bos
I like it. I like it. So I think That is it. Oh, I wanted to plug my little, my own little website. Fav.farm is a little website I made.
Wes Bos
And what it does is if you don't have a favicon for your project for example, I'm working on my TypeScript course, and we've got, Oh, 20 different index dot HTMLs in each exercise that we do, and it's nice to be able to have a different fav icon for every single that you do. So if you've got a couple of them open in your different tabs, you can quickly see what's going on. So you can put an emoji in an SVG file and then use that SVG as a favicon.
Wes Bos
And, Lea Veru actually initially found that out, so props to her. And then I went and, made a little service so that you can simply just say link rel equals icon Ref equals fab.farmforward/ and then the emoji of your choice, and that will simply just return to you an SVG With that emoji in it, and you can without having to, like, download it as SVG and save it locally in your file, you can just link it right up too. So So it's a web service. I actually wrote it in in Deno, which was kinda cool. Deno. That is actually fun. That just goes to show you that that, No. Little fun little projects like services, they can be really small. Really small and still be really pretty neat because this is pretty neat.
Scott Tolinski
Did you talk about animating
Wes Bos
With Avicons at all? Oh, I forgot about that.
Wes Bos
I, said you could use an animated GIF. Yeah. But are you talking about uses .tech?
Animated favicon with canvas on uses.tech
Scott Tolinski
Yeah. Does is that a GIF? Is that what that is? Because I was I was there's some reason in my in my brain you were replacing them. Yeah. In I forgot about that. So if you go to uses .tech,
Wes Bos
It has an animated favicon, and that is done with a canvas as well.
Wes Bos
So every 1 second or every 500 milliseconds, it's It just uses exclamation mark poop emoji, and it just repeats them over and over and over again updating the the favicon.
Wes Bos
That was pretty fun to do. So, again, yeah, that's not I could have made an animated GIF for it, but I took I made, like, a React hook Called use Wicked Favicon. You can look it up on GitHub.
Wes Bos
And I'm just constantly writing to a canvas, dumping the canvas to a base 64 image, And then setting the link tag to be the that value.
Scott Tolinski
Cool. Yeah. I remember being something cooler. So that is definitely cooler than an animated GIF. Yeah.
Wes Bos
And it it's cool because I could change it at any time. I just have to change the array of letters to show.
Scott Tolinski
Fancy. And that's all open source too, so give that a a whirl if you are interested in seeing how that's being made. Yeah. I forgot about that. Good Good remembering there, Scott. Oh, yeah. You know me. Still trapped.
Wes Bos
I think that is it. It's surprising you can talk about Famicoms for so long, but there is a lot to it. You gotta kinda think about anything
Don't use default host favicon, looks amateur
Scott Tolinski
else to add. Oh, I guess the only thing I could add is don't use the default favicon from your host, Bluehost or GoDaddy or whatever. Don't do that. It looks really amateurish no matter what you're doing. So take the extra time. Make a little favicon. Make it fun. Have something have some fun with it. That's actually one thing I see a lot is I use
Wes Bos
I use Missive for my email, and it will attempt to use the domain name from whoever's sending as, like, a little icon beside it, and that's really handy. And then often, you see, like, the Bluehost, Square, or, like like you said, a whole bunch of, like you're like, what? What is going on? The the worst one is when people use Icloud, and this is this is nothing because they're using Icloud email, But it always shows me an Apple icon, and I'm always like, oh, somebody from Apple is emailing me. Cool. And then I go, oh, no. That's that is not the case.
Scott Tolinski
Is Apple looking to send me something? Yeah. That'd be cool.
Wes Bos
Cool. Alright. I think that's it. If you And if you don't have anything else to add, we'll catch you on Wednesday.
Wes Bos
Peace. Peace.
Scott Tolinski
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