August 31st, 2022 × #Design#Education#Podcasting
Syntax Highlight
Wes and Scott discuss the first day of kindergarten, setting up Wes' new office, soundproofing with acoustic panels, and then transition to reviewing developer portfolios.

Wes Bos Host

Scott Tolinski Host
You're listening to Syntax, the podcast with the tastiest web development treats out there. Strap yourself in and get ready. Here is Scott Talinski and Wes Boss.
Reviewing portfolios
Guest 1
Welcome to syntax, the podcast with tastiest web development treats rid out there. Today, we've got a syntax highlight for you. This is where we will review your portfolios and tell you what we think. We get a lot of questions about, like, rid here's my portfolio. What do you think? Or, I'm just like, I've applied for 30 jobs, and and I can't get anything from it. And and, like, what's the issue. And what do you think about my presence? So we go through these and sort of, like, critique, say what we do like, what we don't like, and provide some helpful tips rid. Along the way, we are sponsored today by 3 awesome companies, Sanity, Structured Content, CMS, Log, Rocket. They do JavaScript session replay, and Magic Bell does notification, notifications for your application. We'll talk about all of them partway through the episode. With me as always is mister Scott Tolinski. How are you doing today, Scott? Hey, yo. Hey, yo. Hey, yo. Hey, yo. I'm,
First day of kindergarten
Guest 2
rid I'm feeling good, man. We we had a bit of audio difficulties getting ready today, but, hey, man. I am ready to go. Today is The 1st day in kindergarten for Landon and, you know, stood in line like a boss and waved to his teachers and seemed like you know, I I don't I mean, he's pretty shy little guy, and Courtney and I are are aren't, like, extroverts. We're we're both pretty shy in social situations. So, like Yeah. For him to kinda step up And and stand there with the kids while some of the other kids were screaming and yelling for their parents and, like, man, it made me feel really proud that he was just like, alright.
Guest 2
I'm excited. I'm gonna walk you to school and do my thing. And so, yeah, it was a it was a special moment today. I'm, you know, really, really excited for him. That's that's awesome. The 1st day is always a tough rid
Guest 1
for us, but I'm excited that it went well for you. I'm I'm here in my new office, so please excuse the echo. Rid.
Wes' new echoey office
Guest 1
I just moved in last night, and, I have no sound Mints in the office at all aside from a rug, so it's gonna sound very appealing here. Cavernous is is the word. Yes. Exactly.
Guest 2
What are you going to do for sound treatments? I'm curious.
Plans for office sound treatment
Guest 1
Kind of same thing that you did is just get a bunch of those panels.
Guest 1
I've been looking at them and, like, The hard thing is that I don't want it to look like garbage.
Guest 1
Yeah. I don't I don't wanna get the, like, gamer panels because, like, that looks awful. It's They don't do anything. Not the vibe?
Guest 2
Yeah. Yeah. They're you could just buy them on Amazon, and and they don't do much. I they're actually, Wes, I'm gonna tell you straight up. They don't don't look like anything. Not that they do much. They don't do anything. Yep. The frequency response, it's you're Yes. The the the foam isn't nearly high density enough. And, yeah, you're gonna want something more sound waves.
Guest 1
Yeah. So I think I'm going to make pretty much the ones that you have, which is like a 6 inch rid. Or 3 inch rockwool with a frame and then some fabric around it. I just need to find, like, fabric that looks decent.
Guest 1
I've also been looking at these, like, pressed felt panels. Rid those look really cool. I like that look a lot, but it's it's all about the size. Right? Like, if it doesn't rid. Good. Like, I spent a lot of work making this office look nice,
Guest 2
so I don't wanna just, like, throw up something that doesn't doesn't totally fit the room. Also yep. I'm gonna say, even if you do with something that, like, go with something purposefully that does look nice, I think you should at least build a couple or more than 1 1 or 2 of these rock wool panels with the the thing because There's really nothing quite like the amount of sound that this stuff soaks up. Oh, yeah.
Guest 1
Yeah. I filled my office with it. It's It's amazing. Now, like, when I had it totally insulated, it was so nice to be in here. And now, now that I drywalled it, it's like an echoey again.
Scott's sound panels
Guest 2
Yeah. Right. Yeah. Yeah. I know. I when at the moment I moved my panels into my office, it it turned into, like, rid. Just a lovely, lovely,
Guest 1
sound. So you got you have those corner ones. Right? Like, I've been thinking, like, oh, I should do a couple corner ones. And then, like, maybe the corner ones. Yeah.
Guest 2
Oh. They go from the floor all the way to the top in front of me, rid. Because when I'm talking, I want that audio to just get
Guest 1
trapped. I want it to stop. Oh, yeah. Yeah. That's that's the thing is that, like, I have This behind me and it's it's gonna be my my not my set, but, like, it looks decent on camera. Not yet. I haven't got my camera hooked up. But, like, in front of me, I don't really rid care. And is that what you have? Yep. So behind me is what's import or in front of me, and this is what's important. So I have,
Guest 2
To 1 directly on each side of my ears here and then another set right in front, and then I have 2 on the ceiling, and then I have 4 in the corners, and then I have a massive one directly in front of me, that you you won't be able to see behind my camera here. Oh, that's a good idea. Yeah. It's a bit overkill for my space, but Yeah.
More on Scott's panels
Guest 1
Better overkill than underkill in the audio. You do have 1 on the roof as well or the ceiling? Yeah. Okay. Because I don't I don't have the height really for that. I guess I could put it over my desk, but then that would block the lights. Like, I'm in the I'm in the basement here, so I only have rid. 7, 7 and a half feet, and you're taking, what, 6 inches? How how deep are they? Three or 6 inches? These are about I would say they're about 3 inches. Yeah. Okay. I have one that's Six inches, but not the roof ones. It's probably a just a 2 by 4 on its side, which is 3 and a half inches. Rid. Yeah. That's probably what it is because because the rock wall is made to be put into
Construction of panels
Guest 2
2 by 4 studs. So it would make sense. Yeah. So they're not 2 by rid They're, like, laminated, to, whatever, but it's probably a 2 by 4 size. Yeah. Yeah. Because they you do they're not heavy. Yeah. Like a laminate. Like a like a plywood, right? Yes, correct. Yeah. Oh, maybe I should use that.
Guest 2
I'll take some pictures for you. Yeah. I'll love to do it. Rid. I need to
Guest 1
do a break. That going. Cool. Well, let's get on into the syntax highlight. We'll we'll have a whole show on Soundproofing and noise cancellation and all that stuff. But let's get into these.