July 19th, 2023 × #css#react#javascript#domains
Potluck × CSS Variables in React × JS Notebooks × Selling a Domain
Wes and Scott answer listener questions on topics like React and CSS, JavaScript notebooks, selling domains, balancing learning as a new parent, and more.

Wes Bos Host

Scott Tolinski Host
- New feedback and clarifications section
- Scott terrorized by man in monster truck
- Feedback on electronics episode
- Corrections on CSS initial vs unset
- Modifying CSS variables from React
- JavaScript notebooks
- Domain broker wants to buy listener's domain
- Syntax podcast transcription update
- Tips for learning web development as a new parent
- How to determine fair price when selling a domain
You're listening to Syntax, the podcast with the tastiest web development treats out there. Strap yourself in and get ready. Here is Scott Talinski and Wes Boss.
Wes Bos
Welcome to Syntax. We've got a potluck for you today. The potluck is where you submit the questions, and we will bring the answers.
Wes Bos
We actually have a new section today, feedback In clarifications, sometimes we just get little nice little notes, or sometimes we get little things where people say, hey. Loved the episode, but rid. You got this wrong. So I thought we would just add throw in a couple of those at the start of the episode and just clarify all of those.
Scott terrorized by man in monster truck
Wes Bos
My name is Wes Bos. I'm a developer from Canada. With me, as always, is mister Scott Talinski. How are you doing today, Scott?
Guest 2
Hey. Hey. I'm doing good.
Guest 2
Well, I do it good now. Yes. Or was it Tuesday? Today's Thursday. Wow. So Tuesday, Wes, I had to drive out to the middle of, nowhere And, have our dog groomed because our dog has a very special coat.
Guest 2
And some Guy flies up on my tail end, like, I'm I'm just driving like normal. Some guy flies up right on my tail, And it's just this massive monster truck.
Guest 2
It flies around the side of me. The guy starts yelling something at me. And then he goes in front of me and starts rolling coal. Do you ever have people who roll coal in Canada? Is that something? I know all about my my my dad used to rid. Used to do, like, tractor
Wes Bos
basically, at fairs here, you you put your trucks in the tractor pull.
Wes Bos
And and what they do is they drip A little bit of diesel into their, exhaust so that it rolls coal or into the engine, which is Awful for the environment because it's it's not, it's not burning efficiently enough. That's anytime something is smoking, It means it's not burning efficiently.
Guest 2
Anyways, continue. Yeah. So he rolls coal at me, presumably because I'm like, this at this point, I'm thinking this guy is messing with me because I'm an electric car. Right? I have no idea. What could he possibly I don't have any, like, political stickers on my car. I have, like, no indication of anything on my car. Like, I'm not very harassable.
Guest 2
Yeah. And then he what he'll do is he speeds up, gets into the right lane over, And then he would slow down rapidly. So as I was passing him, he was throwing a handful of coins out his window At my car, and it would just since I'm going past him, ching ching ching, you know, just Yeah. And and then he would get on my ass, tailgate me, Fly around and then throw coins at me. It did this for miles, man.
Guest 2
I got terrorized by this guy on the road ridiculous. For, like, 10, 15 minutes.
Guest 2
Rid. It was shocking. I I I'm I'm still trying to recover from it. So it was just
Wes Bos
one of the most bizarre situations in my entire life. That rid. I I can't believe that. Like, I've I've heard stories about about people doing that. Specifically, if you drive a electric car, people rid. Tend to draw conclusions about the type of person that you are, and they they get wild. And I guess we we draw conclusions about the type of person that drops the rid. Dodge Ram 25100 as well, but, I can't believe that that happened.
Guest 2
But let's get into our corrections and omissions, the stuff that We either messed up, forgot, or just some general feedback.
Feedback on electronics episode
Wes Bos
Yeah. First one we have here is from John. Love the electronic for beginners episode. One of the best so far. Wow. That's high praise.
Wes Bos
Specifically, I like the Format. Listening to 1 of you teach the other is very cool. I love hearing Scott ask, every question that I have As I have it. That's great. I think Scott does a really good job of asking questions that are hopefully popping up in the listeners' rid Mind, as we are talking through something, I enjoyed the but I think I enjoyed the format more. Keep it up, rid guys. So that's good. I'm I'm glad. We I heard from a lot of people that they really liked the electronics episode, Which was fairly surprising to me because I was like, ah, well, let's do it. I'm I'm excited about this stuff. I like to talk about it. Yeah. I know. And
Guest 2
I think I was really surprised with the reception of that episode not because I I thought the information was fascinating myself. But sometimes Yeah. You know, if we veer too far off of the straight up web dev path Yeah. Even if it feels like it's super related, People can, you know, have different reactions to that. So, I we saw a lot of people who really liked the electronics episode, and me, personally, I think I got a lot out of that. So, Yeah. Good one there.
Corrections on CSS initial vs unset
Guest 2
Good. Yeah. Next one is a note on the o r ORM episode. I adore Prisma so much that I feel include rid So much so that I feel included to correct the syntax record. The migrations are stored in the directory called migrations. Yeah. That's that tracks In the root of your project as SQL files, I've found myself on multiple occasions generating migrations without running them. Really? Rid It's not feel great to me. Editing the SQL commands to not violate any rules declared in Prisma rid and then running npx prisma migrate dev. Anyhoo, so that's, I should say, that's what I'm trying to get away rid I want the system to I don't wanna be authoring migrations myself.
Guest 2
I just it's not my specialty. Or, like, dipping outside of
Wes Bos
rid. That's it's a bit odd that the migrations are and maybe I'm just I don't know what I'm talking about, but shouldn't the migrations be done with Prisma code so that you stay inside of all the the the safety of the ecosystem.
Guest 2
I I honestly, I would imagine that Prisma is just straight up generating
Wes Bos
migrations. Yeah. And I think we said that.
Guest 2
But, anyways, can I continue? Yeah. Totally. Anyhoo, here's my question. Prisma lacks an up cert mini function. I find myself time and time again reaching for execute raw unsafe.
Guest 2
Re I, me personally, I've only had to do that one so far. So this is, as you can imagine, does not feel great. Yeah. Anytime, execute raw, unsafe.
Guest 2
How would you go about it? Combine several built in Prisma commands or bypass the comfort and safety of the ORM and go straight to SQL jugular In the name of performance, or am I missing something obvious? If you 2 have a line to the Prismafolk, please don't hesitate to push for a upsert Many or better yet somehow implement the SQL merge from SQL Server into Postgres.
Guest 2
Okay. So you know what? I would personally, at this point, reach for just the the raw unsafe because the unsafe part of it In any of these things, which is, like, what was that? The React one, the unsafe, or you need to get a date? The inner HTML.
Guest 2
Yeah. The inner HTML adding stuff. So in in React land or any of this land, when you see the word unsafe, what typically means is that it's not that is Not safe to do it all as I'm sure this person knows.
Guest 2
But it's that it's not say or not you wanna know what you're writing. You know, don't don't post anything in here that could lead to SQL injection or anything.
Guest 2
So if you seem like a knowledgeable SQL user And because of that, I think at that point, I would just reach for the execute raw unsafe.
Guest 2
And I think I personally would do that as well even though I'm not a SQL pro just because I'm going to look, for edge cases and, actually do some
Wes Bos
Verification that the sequel I'm writing is safe in these cases. So yeah. I I would I would probably do that than sacrifice performance for sure. Rid Yeah. Upsert many is is wild. I I I don't know that I've used that, but I can think of a lot of times I would want, which is it's doing rid Update or insert, meaning that if it's there, update it. If it's not, create it. And then many is as you're running multiple at a time, which I could see that being helpful if you need to like update some data, like maybe like you pull someone's GitHub profile and like they haven't finished rid Updating the data. So if you wanna pull them again, you can say, alright, well, we'll update it if there is an update. Otherwise, if if there's nothing there, we'll we'll create it. Rid But I, yeah, I'm actually curious. And I saw this in the new syntax code base, and I went and looked it up. The dollar sign, I think it's transaction? Is that the is that a that's a Prisma thing. Right?
Guest 2
Depends on the salt uses a lot of dollar signs. So let me
Wes Bos
rid Find exactly what you're talking about before. Sure you had somewhere where you had dollar sign transaction which allowed you to batch Multiple Prisma queries into a single Yes. Yes. Yes. Prisma into a single, like, actual thing. So if you had a if you had a 100 things to do, You could put them into a dollar sign transaction, and it would only ever do actually 1 database transaction instead of a100. So I was wondering, like, maybe there's something that could be used rid For that, although I found the Is there a rub with that? Transactions are suboptimal.
Wes Bos
I was just I found the GitHub issue Of where people are talking about wanting up cert many in Prisma.
Wes Bos
Mhmm. And there's there's only one reference of like, you would think If you could do that, I guess people would be like, just use the transaction. Right. And, you know, this this code that we're using transaction on
Guest 2
It's not like performance requirement.
Guest 2
This is like for our importer. So it's not like something that end users are gonna hit. Rid Yeah. I I haven't I haven't had to actually get into
Wes Bos
debugging perf in that regard. Awesome. Next one we get into is, rid Manuel Matjovic wrote an entire blog post, about updates to the CSS, Nothing in CSS, and some of them are a little nitpicky and edge case y, but there's a couple of good ones in here I thought we'll go through. So I rid Shout out to Manuel for writing this blog post because, this is a great way. If you want to clarify something or you want to also add some stuff rid To the Internet, put it in a blog post because then it it lives there forever, and we can point to it.
Wes Bos
So the first one rid That we had here is the difference between unset and initial.
Wes Bos
I had said rid Unset will revert to the inherited value and will ignore anything set directly on the element, whereas initial will revert back to the browser default itself. Rid and that is incorrect in that the first thing you said is it's true that Unset Reset Resets a property to its inherited value, but only if the property national inherits for a parent. If not, it uses the initial value. So I thought, like, yeah, of course. Like, rid. Obviously, if there's nothing up the cascade tree, then it just sets back to the initial value. But where I got it wrong is I said that initial rid is a browser default, and it's not. CSS initial values and browser defaults are not always the same rid. Thing and a very good example is margin.
Wes Bos
The browser default for margin is 8 pixels, but the initial value is 0. So if you want to set it back to the initial value and not the browser default, that's Where initial was good. So I didn't know that, and that's a good point out.
Guest 2
Then the other one Oh, wait. But you did you got that correction in omission also incorrect Because you said that I said you you, West Boss, said that, but, the blog post very clearly says that Scott says this. Rid You can take the blame for it if you'd like, but I'm pretty sure this is Alright. This is a Scott fumble.
Wes Bos
Okay. Oh, good. The other one I got wrong rid was, I said that the true and false attributes in HTML rid don't exist outside of ARIA attributes, meaning that checked equals true, checked equals checked, Simply the existence of checked, checked equals hell yeah, brother, all of those will be checked. Right? However, rid There are a couple HTML attributes which are so all of the ones I was talking about where the simple existence of it are called Boolean attributes.
Wes Bos
Rid and there are other attributes that are either keyword or innumerable, meaning that they they can be set to keywords or they can be set to rid. An enum, a number of predefined set options, right? And, I didn't even realize this, but there are a couple HTML attributes out there. Content editable being 1.
Wes Bos
Content editable equals false will work, whereas like it will turn it off. Whereas contenteditable equals true will turn it on.
Wes Bos
So that one can be set to false. I I Kinda, like, looked for a list online, and I couldn't find a whole lot. But the other ones I found was, draggable, rid Auto complete. It's kind of weird because Auto complete has on or off as one of the values.
Wes Bos
So if you set If you set autocomplete to false, like, I guess that is turning. Yeah, that is turning it off Because it's turning it off. Will not be on.
Wes Bos
Active. But you could set autocomplete to since false is not a it's not a legit value, it's off. But I I guess by not providing it a legitimate value makes it false. And then spell check and download apparently other, attributes as well, because download is you could pass it scott.jpeg.
Wes Bos
But then I guess if you if you say download equals false, Then it will it will just, not download itself. It will use the browser default. Yeah.
Guest 2
Rid. Does it bug you sometimes that there are different, like, keywords like on off instead of true false Yeah. In situations like that? Like, that really Bugs me, when I'm like designing a UI API, not just with HTML or anything like that, but like rid If there is UI code that's been authored in React or something. Yeah. I don't know what bugs me more is the fact that a string of false
Wes Bos
Is Right.
Wes Bos
Actually false? We only have strings. You know? Because then if you're trying to parse that It's only strings wise. Oh, I don't know. That's rid There's the wild world of HTML attributes and specs. And I'm sure every time someone complains about something, There almost always is like a good reason behind it. But for that, you have to go back into 18 different meetings from 15 years ago to Figure
Guest 2
out sometimes why the decisions were made. Yeah. Things didn't end up like this by accident, so to say.
Guest 2
Alright. Rid. 1st question here of the day is from Hansel is so hot right now.
Guest 2
Hansel says, hi, guys. Long time listener. I've been googling like crazy, but I can't seem to find an answer. Say I have a CSS file styles dot CSS that contains some CSS variables.
Modifying CSS variables from React
Guest 2
As a sibling, I have a React component by component that imports styles dot CSS.
Guest 2
Is there a way to modify the CSS variables from the React component? Rid. So the way CSS variables work inside of a React context story, any context is They cascade cascade downwards, essentially. Right? And so if you have a React component, my component that imports styles dot CSS. Okay? Is there a way to modify the styles? Yeah. I mean, the easiest way to do it, man, I'm trying to put myself in React land, Is to the easiest way to do it is to add a class and just, override the variable in the class. Is is that Still true. I know in Svelte I hate to do this. I know in Svelte there's there's CSS helpers or you can just write straight up a a string for styles. But in React, Everything turns into objects. And do you know ways to author a CSS variable in the object syntax? Is it just as a string property? Yeah. I I think rid With this one,
Wes Bos
you need to know that, like, React doesn't really do much for CSS. So importing rid CSS into a React component is not a like a React thing. That's like a probably a Vite thing or a parcel thing.
Wes Bos
Rid. And simply by importing it, if you don't have any plug ins in it, it's just going to include that CSS in a style tag.
Wes Bos
And rid wherever those variables have been set in your CSS, those that's where they'll be they'll be scoped to. So you might have set them on Like a div with a specific class, you might have set them on the body.
Wes Bos
So if you want to explicitly overwrite them, you have a couple options. Rid 1st, I would do what Scott was saying is just if you want them to be changed at that component scope and all the way down, Then I would simply just do an inline CSS property. So go on your Rack component and write style equals, rid Open up a set of curly brackets, then open up another set of curly brackets. You have a style object, and then you you can overwrite those specific values. If you are specifically talking about, like, parsing the CSS and rid Looping over and maybe, like, incrementing or, like like, programmatically changing it.
Wes Bos
At that point, what you probably have to do, There's probably lots of plug ins for this. But at the end of the day, you would just have to import your CSS, Not as CSS, but as just raw text.
Wes Bos
And you can do that in Vite by appending the question mark raw onto the end of your imports. And that will give you just that's just text at the end of the day. It's a string.
Wes Bos
And then then then it's up to you to, you could parse it out. Rid. Just buy with some some you could probably just regex parse it out real quick. But there's probably also libraries out there if you really wanted to do that.
Wes Bos
Rid. But at that point, it's probably a better idea just to stick your variables in like an object or something like that. And then Then you have an object. You can you can pass that in line. So there's that. The short the short answer is is that React doesn't care about it at all. It's just CSS.
Guest 2
CSS cascades downwards. Any way you can apply that variable override, any way possible, whether it is style components,
Wes Bos
strings in line, whatever. Do it that way. Just do it how you're doing your CSS. I would probably do in line CSS. That's that's probably my idea at the end of the day there, though. Yeah. Rid Alright. Question from Dago. Hi, Wes and Scott. This is a really good question because Scott and I got we thought we knew the answer to this, and then we started getting into it. We're like, hold on. Rid. Let's stop, figure it out, and get it in there. So, I've been looking for some tool to make quick composition, test API calls, and so forth.
JavaScript notebooks
Wes Bos
Rid Looks like the Python guys have it all figured out, but I have not found a good solution for JSLan. So looking for notebooks Or you can write notes as well as have inline code that you can then rerun. And then in the rid Python world, everybody uses Jupyter Notebooks. And they're becoming really popular lately because a lot of the AI stuff And in academic circles, people use Jupyter Notebooks.
Wes Bos
If you've ever seen the IPNYMB extension, something like that, rid That's a Jupyter Notebook, and there's a lot of tooling around it. So I have experimented with handy dandy notebook, but I haven't managed to get TS, rid. Getting the stuff together. Do you know about a good one or any other fast way of getting a pipeline Organized cells of code with their logs, or thinking about it even more, rid. How to get out of the way of your flow and iterate over ideas fast and comfortable. So I I guess our our my first thought was like, yeah. I I kinda do this I kinda do this with Quokka, which is like Quokka is just JavaScript or TS files, and you can see the output in line. Rid You don't have a lot of logs for that. And then I also kind of do it sometimes. I'll just, like like you said, get out of the way and just focus on the functions.
Wes Bos
I'll just write it like a test suite or test runner. Not that I'm necessarily wanting to write a whole bunch of tests, but it's a really nice way to just like rerun them when When you want, you can pick which ones you want to rerun.
Wes Bos
But like you're right, Jupyter has it dialed in. And we're just Looking, there's a project, looks fairly new, called TS Lab, which is the ability to add rid JavaScript and TypeScript to Jupyter Notebooks, which, I I used to not like Jupyter Notebooks for some reason, but maybe I need to take another
Guest 2
Look at them. You know, I was just thinking, especially because we just had the the folks from Val Town on.
Guest 2
Rid And, yeah, if that episode isn't out by the time you're listening to this, Val Town allows you to basically just quickly write a function And call and use that function from anywhere, test it, whatever.
Guest 2
But Mhmm. Like, that concept to me feels like it It follows very closely with this idea of just, like, being able to quickly get up and running with something. And I've never used notebooks personally. And Maybe I maybe I should spend some time because I'm definitely, like, the the type of thinker where if I'm researching something, I kinda wanna get my hands dirty with some interactive code, like, right away.
Guest 2
And especially if it's like an actual programming topic, I wanna be trying it out. I wanna be, you know, just ready. Writing code to understand it. So maybe notebooks is something that I should be looking into to add into rid My day to day flow in many different ways.
Wes Bos
Yeah. You you think so? I have when I did my last course, TypeScript course, All of my notes are in markdown, and I have lots of code samples.
Wes Bos
And but anytime I needed to, like, actually get the TypeScript interpreter to run against so I could see what types are generated were.
Wes Bos
Then I had to dip into another .ts file. And I would just like link it over. Right? And this is kind of a larger thing as I'm kind of unhappy with the whole Note taking landscape, you know, because they have markdown files and then they're not like They're not synced. I've been trying this new app called Stashpad Oh, yeah. Which is really, really nice.
Wes Bos
Rid I haven't, like, moved over to it entirely, but it seems pretty nice. But then I have mind mapping. So that's another app, and I just want somebody to make like a developer first note taking mind mapping to do code runner All in one.
Wes Bos
But may maybe even just, like, embedding a a Val Town. Like, could you just embed? There's there's an embedding API for Val Town. Yeah. Well, I think the difference is there is that the way people are using notebooks,
Guest 2
my understanding is because, You know, one thing I looked for immediately was, like, how can you do this in something like Obsidian? Because that's why I put all of my my note taking. And I I have A lot of, you know, structure, and it would really fit in nicely into my Obsidian workflow.
Guest 2
And it seems like the there is a Jupyter Notebook integration for Obsidian.
Guest 2
But what people find to be not excited about it is that you can't share state between what are called cells.
Guest 2
So you're you're not able to communicate in the same way that you could across cells in a larger, Jupyter context.
Domain broker wants to buy listener's domain
Guest 2
And this doesn't support the official, like, Jupyter file format. So you you even then are kind of, like, not getting the full juice out of Exactly what it is. That would be like the ideal scenario for me if you could have full support in something like Obsidian.
Wes Bos
Rid Yeah. So the TS Lab is using this service called mybinder.org, which is, I think, hosted Jupyter Notebooks, that was always a weird thing for me as well as you gotta like install your own thing, but it it points out a git repo.
Wes Bos
Yeah. I think I just haven't I think that what I want exists. I just haven't given things a fair shake.
Wes Bos
This seems cool. Yeah.
Guest 2
There was a this you might not remember this, but there was a 2012, 2011 around there. And there was like a Kickstarter for A text editor that, like, always executed your code immediately underneath it. And I don't know if that ever came to fruition. I remember they didn't launch with JavaScript, so I I didn't get to right. But Yeah. What was that? Do you remember that? There was, like, some really wow demos of, you know, Numi.
Wes Bos
Was it I have it. Numi? You have it? Numi? Rid What? I And you, m I? No.
Wes Bos
NuMe is a kind of like a little scratch pad Where you can add numbers. Like, sometimes I do math in Versus Code Uh-huh. Like 10 plus 10, and it will tell you
Guest 2
Yeah. I gotta do that. Temp you know you know about Tempus 10? Yeah. Yeah. Cool.
Wes Bos
I think it does JavaScript now. Math dot max rid. 1, 3.
Wes Bos
I'll put 13.
Wes Bos
No. No. Rid. Numie is cool, though. It's kind of just like a little, like if you had a a calculator that spit out a, rid like a receipt of like everything you type. But then it also does things like 5 inches to centimeters, $9 Canadian to euro,
Guest 2
And it will output the values just as you're going. By the way, I found the v one. Can you believe that? I just found it by Google.
Guest 2
Really? The one that I'm referring to is called Light Table, and it was I found the original Kickstarters from 2000 and 14, January 2014 I remember this. Yeah.
Guest 2
This is wild. I think I probably was a bidder on this, rid. This reminds me a lot of notebooks. I wonder
Wes Bos
what this guy is doing now. I'll have to look into that. Yeah. Wow. You can tell by the gradient On the download button that it is probably not supported anymore. Yeah.
Wes Bos
The March 6 2020 was their last tweet. Oof. What happened? It went what happened in March I don't know. 2020? Rid I found it when open source in 2014, so What a space. Somebody yeah. Somebody solve this for us. I just I just want To be able to run code and do all of that, write my notes, everything from Versus Code. Yeah. And I don't know if that I don't wanna use Obsidian. I wanna use Versus Code. I'm already in there. If you have a tool for us that meets our requirements, and Wes and I will do some research as well,
Guest 2
let us know. And then I think what we should do is maybe, like, put it to use for a month and say, hey. Let's both do our primary note taking on this stuff For a full month. Mhmm. I'm down for that. I'm into it because
Wes Bos
yeah. I
Guest 2
we need to do a whole whole show on notes. But, yeah, next one. Well, that would be a good opportunity to learn notebooks and, give a more educated response to all this. Alright. Next question is from, Saranya says, is it possible to transcribe your podcast? So I thought this would be a good opportunity for you, Wes, because rid. We're getting closer and closer with the new site development. So maybe just give a a quick update on what you're doing with the transcripts since our last
Wes Bos
rid Yeah. We got the transcriptions all dialed in.
Syntax podcast transcription update
Wes Bos
We we are using a service called Deepgram, rid And it is very good. It gives you start and stop, and it does diatarization, which is text to speaker.
Wes Bos
So we're going to have like pretty good transcriptions. I'd say very good transcriptions coming pretty soon.
Wes Bos
But and then also on top of that, we're going to be rid. That opens up so many more features in terms of, like, finding similar episodes and searching for what was that thing Wes was talking about? What the, rid what scrub brush does Scott use to clean his cast iron pan? Like, all those, like, things where you I forget when and where and who talked about it.
Wes Bos
It opens up better search, that opens up better summarization and tagging and all kinds of good stuff. So, rid. Pretty excited to get all of that, and it's all hinging around having decent transcriptions first. Yeah. Totally. Rid Cool. Adam says, on a recent episode, Zane asked a question about coding outside of work, and you brought up burnout. I'm 30 rid 6 with a young family, and I'm in a similar situation where I want to continue to get better as a developer, but I also don't want to burn out. Rid Sounds exactly like us.
Tips for learning web development as a new parent
Wes Bos
I am 36 with a young family.
Wes Bos
I've rid Been coding since 2019, and I feel like there is too much to catch up on. Web development moves so fast, I struggle to block out the noise while progressing my skills. I have managed to shift my career from being a designer to a web developer designer hybrid, but my dream is to become a full time programmer. I don't Want to spend all of my spare time coding coding, but I do want to ensure I keep progressing and getting better with the basics of new languages and concepts. Rid. Without the years of experience behind me, any tips to keep up keep my skills up without burning out? Thanks for the podcast. You provide a balanced view on web development And help me dive deeper into web development. Yes. I think I think 2 things. First, you need to be constantly aware of that, like, burnout of, I'm getting sick of this.
Wes Bos
I'm I'm not as excited about it as I used to be. Rid. What are some other,
Guest 2
what are some other telltale signs that maybe you're getting burned out, Scott? Yeah. I think A lot of it is, like, just dread or even mild depression symptoms to, you know, full out depression or just, like, straight up Mhmm. Just being Just just not having that that same drive, I think, for me, when I I got a lot of burnout from my own self inflicted schedule.
Guest 2
And when that happened, it relieved to me felt like I rid. Wasn't on top of the work I would I should have been doing and and not like on, a sense that I wasn't able to complete my tasks, but I didn't rid Feel like I was on top of my tasks. And I didn't feel like I could get on top of my tasks because everything felt difficult and everything felt hard because you you've, like, reached a point where you're just completely fatigued mentally. Right? And and some of that for me came along with having kids When you're not getting enough sleep. Right? And you're getting half the amount of sleep or even less than you're used to be getting in. The amount of time you have to focus on this stuff is less and less, so you're having to grim more into the amount of time that you have. And you can really face this this moment where it feels tough to do the things you love to do. Like, for me, it's I love programming and I I really sincerely love doing it in the evening sometimes to relax or or just in general for like more like fun occasions than just for straight up work. But when you're feeling burnt out from Life and encoding in that world, you're not gonna wanna do that. And you're not gonna I mean, that's fine to that's fine if you don't want to do that anyways, but you're not going to have that same passion, rid For the work you do. And that can, you know, just in general, be a huge bummer in life. So Beautifully put.
Wes Bos
So rid How do you keep up? I think you just need to know that you can learn the things that you need when you need them. So Container queries. You don't need to go learn container queries right now. But if you're on your next project and you think, oh, rid I know what they are because I thought I listened to Scott and Wes and they explain what they are, but this is probably a good use case for them. You can do just in time learning, rid Meaning that you can look it up. You probably say I guess, like, you've only been a developer for a couple of years is at a certain point in your career, you say, I know enough coding Where I'm confident enough that I can figure things out when it is that I need it. So I don't necessarily Scott and I probably go down way more learning rabbit holes because it's Literally our job. But for a lot of people, they don't have to pick up any of the stuff until it's time that they specifically need to use it. So that's my first tip. And rid. The other one there is just pick up a project where it is small enough that you can complete it and feel good about it rid and something that you are excited about. So don't build a maybe maybe you want to build a massive application and you're constantly Like we've we've had people on where they've worked on apps for years years years.
Wes Bos
But I think for a lot of people, it would be nice if you set out to build something small And you touch upon 4 or 5 different new pieces of tech. You learn them, you finish it, you ship the thing, it's out the door, and you can either continue building on that or
Guest 2
Do it again in in 6 months from now. Yeah. And you can also just push it up there and then never think about it again because just simply having that experience will rid Push the needle forward. So yeah. I I do. It's it's all about finding the things that keep you feeling excited about working on code. And as long as you can tap into that excitement, like you said, even with Wes, like, coming up with a project, getting some wins, pushing it up, getting it out.
Guest 2
Those types of little things are great. I personally one thing that I choose to do instead of little demos is have, like, 1 big playground kind of demo. Like an app that's like familiar to me that I can work into in any time I I want to goof around on a specific coding topic, Whether it may be animation, whether it be, you know, more platform specific stuff. I have this, like, larger playground I can tap into to Just work into that. And then that makes me feel like I'm actually building something bigger. So there there could be 2 different types of motivation. And if you're more motivated by this, You know, ball massive ball rolling downhill. You could just keep adding a a rubber band to this rubber band ball.
Wes Bos
Rid I didn't I even tell you I had a massive rubber band ball as a kid? Yeah. We did too, but I don't know who created it or how it arrived in our house. Rid. Oh, I I remember seeing 1, like, in Guinness Book of World Records, and I was like, I'm gonna make one of those. So I like went and bought rid. Like hundreds and hundreds of elastics, and they're surprisingly cheap, like a dollar, a dollar per bag.
Wes Bos
And I built it was larger than a basketball.
Guest 2
Rid. Oh, wow. And,
Wes Bos
it would like I would like bounce it on, like, the sidewalk tiles at my house, and it would just like rid Boom. Boom. Boom. The sidewalk files would, like, pop up. And then I would I sent emails to every single rubber band company I could find, rid And, like, 8 or 9 of them just sent me bags and bags of rubber bands. And then 1 company sent me the biggest rubber band they sell. Oh, wow. Like rid It was like a resistance band now that I think about it, but it was huge. That was that was really fun. And then one day, it it got stolen or something from the garage And my skateboard and the rubber I or I have more it rolled Yeah. Rolled down the driveway or something. In a demolished car? Yeah.
Guest 2
Yeah. That's a a massive like £20.
Wes Bos
Yeah. Jeez.
Guest 2
That's hilarious.
Guest 2
Yeah. Ours was not nearly ours was maybe, like, Like, I don't know. It's a couple, couple inches in diameter. Not too major. Oh. But even even that thing I just remember my fingers being raw from it. Yeah. It takes forever. And it it it's heavy. Even it's heavy even at that small of a size, so I can only imagine. Yeah. Alright. Next question from Wally. Wally says, I've received multiple emails from a domain broker that wants to purchase a .com domain that I've owned for a number of years. They've offered a low 4 figures price so far.
How to determine fair price when selling a domain
Guest 2
How might I try and figure out who the real buyer is to make sure I'm getting a fair rid. The domain has my last name in it.
Guest 2
If it if that changes your thoughts on selling it, I also own The same domain with other t l d's. Okay. So that's interesting. Somebody wants to buy 4 figures.
Guest 2
I I personally would taste 4 figures for just about most domains that I own. So, that's pretty much all I have to read, 4 figures.
Guest 2
I would just say, sell it through a broker, you know? Don't don't just be like, here, I'll transfer it to you when you send me the PayPal money or something.
Guest 2
I would find an actual brokering service in many of the domain, registrars at this point have that like baked into their platform in some sort of way, But you can find a domain broker to sell it through. And that way to make sure store.com is what Yeah. What everybody does. So I have sold
Wes Bos
rid. Several domains in my day and it's one of 2 things. Someone legit comes and says, Hey, I have a domain name rid Or I want to buy this domain name from you, and this is this is why I want it. And they're just straight up nice and clear. I've also bought many that way where I just contact the rid and say, hey, I want to buy it.
Wes Bos
And usually, if it's if it's just somebody who owns a domain name, They're usually like willing to like negotiate with you and and go through.
Wes Bos
But then on the flip side, there's also Like domain buyers, sellers, squatters that will try buy them. So I had probably for 12 years, I owned Chrome. Io, which was we're initially going to build a skinning theming service for Chrome DevTools.
Wes Bos
Rid And it never panned out, but I just like I was like, I'm gonna sit on this Chrome. Io for someday Google is gonna come and and buy it from me. Right? Mhmm. And, rid Probably about 6 months ago, I got some I got an email from a guy, and you could tell he was a professional because I had Who has privacy on that domain name for probably 8 years. So he has tooling to go back in in domain name history to see who owned it rid 12 years ago.
Wes Bos
So he emailed me and said, hey, you want to sell it? I can offer you $800.
Wes Bos
And I said, rid I think I said, like, $7 or something like that. You gotta be careful because, like, you don't wanna, like if you come back at them at, like, 50 rid k or whatever, then it's just like a bit of a slap in the face, you know? Yeah. You're not a serious person. Yeah. And then he's and he's like, alright. I'll I'll give you 2, and then I said, alright, let's do 4.
Wes Bos
And and he said I think at that point, I showed my cards.
Wes Bos
And I was like He said okay. I was like, you know, I say, no. He went back to 3. I don't know. Basically, I was like, let's do 4, rid. And he was not into it. And then we ended up on $3, which is is decent. Yeah. I did the math. I think I think I paid like $800 to hold it over the years, though. So that was a bit of a bummer. Sure.
Wes Bos
But I sold it, and I'm not lying, Like a day later, that that domain name was for sale for $90,000.
Wes Bos
You go to you go to Chrome dot io right now, it's for sale For $90.
Wes Bos
Not to say that it's worth it, but these guys have enough domains that they sit on them. Eventually, someone's going to say, you know what? We got VC funding, 90 k. Let's do it. We got we got 6,000,000 from our VCs. 90 k is not a big deal for a sweet domain name. So they just sit on enough of those that they buy 30 or 40 of these 3 grand domains, And then eventually one of them sells for 90 or a 150. So I don't know. I I would probably take the rid. A low four four figure. That sounds pretty sweet.
Wes Bos
If you there's like a, Twitter account I follow on Twitter that rid. Shows you every day what domains sold and what they sold for. Mhmm. And they're every now and then you get like a massive rid. Fifty grand or something like that. But almost always, like, the day's high is 5, $6 for something pretty good. Mhmm. So I think I would probably Jump at 4 figures, especially if it has your last name in it, unless your last name is, like, Gold or something.
Guest 2
Yeah. Or or yeah. Like Gates or Musk or like some rich person's name. Yeah.
Wes Bos
Some I had somebody on Instagram try to offer me at boss on Instagram. Oh, wow.
Wes Bos
And I was like, are you he seemed pretty sketchy. I'm like, I'm pretty sure you stole this. And he's like, no. I'm I work with lots of clients, blah blah blah.
Wes Bos
But rid. He wanted $1,000 for it? But, like, the thing about cool ads is I'm at West Boss, so it's not worth it. Yeah. I know you have it easy in that regard. I've started,
Guest 2
snapping up at ski, s k I, on things if I'm early. Oh.