January 22nd, 2024 × #time#javascript#webdev
Where Does Time Come From?
Discussion on how time works on computers and issues that arise when working with dates and time in JavaScript. Covers time infrastructure, standards, and new Temporal API.

Wes Bos Host

Scott Tolinski Host
It is time. Wes and Scott attempt to blow your minds by talking about time, who's tracking time, where does time come from, what time is it in your browser vs someone else's server, and standards around time.
Show Notes
- 00:25 Welcome
- 00:55 Thanks to Chris Enns
- LemonProductions.ca
- Chris Enns on Twitter
- Podcast tutorials by Chris Enns on YouTube
- 03:14 What is time in the browser?
- 06:27 What are atomic clocks?
- Atomic Clocks and Cloudflare
- 08:22 Network time
- 09:35 Device time
- 11:11 Why is time so important?
- 14:35 Epoch time
- Syntax epoch convertor
- 16:58 ISO 8601 standard
- ISO 8601
- 19:20 RFC 3339
- RFC3339
- 20:35 Time zone support
- 21:59 The Temporal API
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